US Government: Fluoridated water damages brain and lowers intelligence in humans

Honestly, I did not think that an official government admission of the dangers of fluoride would occur in my lifetime. The topic of fluoridated water and its purported myriad of benefits is so  firmly entrenched in both medical and public health dogma that the mere mentioning of water fluoridation in a negative context usually triggers immediate censorship on major social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and sometimes even Twitter/X (despite its claims of supporting free speech). Yet, if one were to look at the peer-reviewed literature, it quickly becomes clear that fluoride has multiple negative effects on the human organism, likely stemming from its role as a known thyroid suppressor. Considering that intelligence and behavior largely depend on the metabolic rate, one would expect chronic fluoride exposure through tap water to have strong and lasting negative effects on intelligence and brain health in general. That is exactly what the official Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) report below concludes, and I hope that this report finally leads to local water authorities within the US (and possibly globally as well) changing their position on fluoride and stopping tap water fluoridation.

“…High levels of fluoride in drinking water may dim the intelligence of children, a new U.S. government report shows. Based on an analysis of published research, the potentially controversial report marks the first time a federal agency has determined there is a link between drinking twice the recommended amount of fluoride and lower IQs in kids. “Since 1945, the use of fluoride has been a successful public health initiative for reducing dental cavities and improving general oral health of adults and ,” the  stated.”

“…But more recent research has pointed to a different problem, suggesting a link between higher levels of fluoride and brain development. Studies in animals showed fluoride could impact cell function in brain regions responsible for learning, memory, executive function and behavior, the AP reported. After more research continued to raise questions, the National Toxicology Program started working on a review of the available studies in 2016. The hope was that it could provide guidance on whether new fluoride-limiting measures were needed.”

Author: haidut