Category: Science

Scientific articles and discussions, with my comments and take on the topics therein.

Posted in Science

Aspirin improves cognition, lowers brain inflammation due to sleep deprivation

The study was with humans, which makes it that much more relevant. As most of my readers…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) supplementation prevents/treats osteoarthritis (OA)

Actual conclusion of the study itself and a very strong claim, considering medicine considered OA to be…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) improves digestion and ameliorates constipation

Reduced frequency of bowel movements is one of the most reliable signs of declining metabolic rate, and…

Posted in Science

Vitamin E supplementation may prevent lung disease (COPD)

An interesting study, considering vitamin E’s benefits are thought (by medicine) to be mostly related to its…

Posted in Science

Estrogen causes anxiety

Just a day ago I did a post about estrogens being a cause of dementia, while anti-estrogens…

Posted in Science

Brain energy production determines our psychosocial experience; stress damages it

Well, it does not get any clearer than the findings of the study below. Namely, the old…

Posted in Science

Parkinson’s may be due to B vitamin deficiencies, riboflavin (B2) and biotin (B7) may treat

Yet another study, which not only points to the gut/endotoxin as a major cause of many chronic,…

Posted in Science

Estrogen causes dementia/Alzheimer, anti-estrogens are protective

This study is one of the most damaging piece of evidence I have seen over the last…

Posted in Science

Anti-anxiety drugs, high cortisol reduce empathy

This is a study that has a lot of relevance for virtually every person living in a…

Posted in Science

Microplastics – known endocrine disruptors- found in blood, gonadal organs

The findings of this study are particularly alarming as they suggest there are now endocrine disruptors, likely…