The future is dying: colon cancer rates rapidly rising in teens and CHILDREN

If there was ever any doubt that both medicine and the health of entire nations are not only unraveling, but may have collapsed years ago, this latest study should dispel any such remaining doubt. For a number of reasons. First, at the very least, the findings of the study should immediately make is abundantly clear just how fraudulent the mainstream dogma known as “genetic origins of cancer” is. We have been told for decades that cancer is just bad luck, a result of unfortunate (and random) mutations, the chance of which increases as we age. That dogma implies that mostly old people get cancer, and that was indeed the case for most of the period during which good historical medical records were kept. However, that has not been the case for the last 20+ years. I have done numerous posts over the last couple of years showing that the rates of virtually all cancers have been rapidly rising in the under-40 crowd while stabilizing (though, not declining) in the over-40 crowd. That fact alone immediately debunks the dogma of cancer as primarily a genetic mutation disease, simply because the rates of mutations in young people are much lower than in older people, as well as the fact that increasing cancer rates in the under-40 crowd across all “developed” countries are anything but “random”. In addition, no cancerous mutation could sweep through such a vast number of people (and widely dispersed territories) in just 1-2 decades. Thus, if the genetic origins of cancer hypothesis is quite clearly a scam, the only reasonable conclusion is that something absolutely terrible must have happened over the last 1-2 decades to the quality of the environment “young” people live in. The reason I put “young” in quotation marks is that based on these developments one can safely conclude that there are no more biologically young people any more, since the chronologically young not only have more rapidly rising rates of deadly diseases as the chronologically old(er) people, but are dying from those diseases at higher rates. As I said in another post of mine years ago – the young and the old have switched places.

However, as scary as those prior findings on cancer rates may be, the findings of the study below are truly devastating. Those findings prove beyond any reasonable doubt that not only is the official dogma on cancer dead-wrong, but that society/civilization as a whole has little chance of surviving if its youngest members – the future – are getting decimated by something that just a decade ago was considered a “gizzer disease”. Namely, colon cancer. When teens and even children as young as 10 are not only getting colon cancer at unprecedented rates but those rates continue to rise rapidly, then it makes little sense to even speak of “public health”, as there is clearly no such thing. Considering that colon cancer has 37%+ average mortality rate (across all stages) in adults, and that this mortality rate is now likely higher in the youngest patient groups, the findings mean that probably half of the children and teens diagnosed with colon cancer will simply die, which has absolutely devastating consequences for any country and its future, especially considering the abysmally low birth rates not only in most “developed” countries but the world as a whole. So much for the non-stop propaganda about “overpopulation”…or…maybe something more sinister is at play here.

Now, since cancer is quite obviously an environmentally-driven disease, even the teens and children who do not get colon cancer probably have abysmal health since they live in the same environment that caused the cancer in their peers. As such, “young” people – a country’s future – can no longer be expected to stay healthy enough to even be able to take care of themselves, let alone start families or work productive, meaningful jobs. That is exactly what most “developed” countries have been experiencing over the last 2+ decades. In such a state of society, it is little wonder that suicide and substance abuse rates are through the roof and keep rising (just like cancer rates). In corroboration, a massive epidemic of loneliness or/and “dying from despair” are very much a thing in most “developed” countries, despite being mocked by medicine as being nothing more than hypochondria or cover for substance abuse. If the collection of fraudulent medical dogmas driving such catastrophic results are not soon confronted, exposed and de-funded, not only will the “developed” world quickly revert back to a 3rd world status, but there may not be enough healthy people left to even keep a country/society together.

“…For the study, his team analyzed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wonder database, which offers publicly available data on mortality, cancer incidence, census data, vaccinations, and more.4 They tracked colorectal cancer incidence rates between 1999 and 2020 among people in seven different age cohorts, spanning from ages 10 to 44. Mohamed’s team found that rates rose across the board in all age groups during this time, but that younger demographics saw a sharper uptick in cases. Though the percentage increases were steepest in those between the ages of 10 and 24…”

Author: haidut