Tag: cancer

Posted in Science

Aspirin, alone or with vitamin C, may treat many/most solid tumors

It seems that mainstream medicine is keeping close tabs on the Peatarian community. After denying for decades…

Posted in Science

The future is dying: colon cancer rates rapidly rising in teens and CHILDREN

If there was ever any doubt that both medicine and the health of entire nations are not…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin/LPS drives esophageal cancer

One of the few studies to directly implicate endotoxin (also known as LPS) in cancer progression. While…

Posted in Science

Stress is carcinogenic and promotes metastases; blocking cortisol stops this process

Over the last couple of years I posted several times about studies demonstrating that stress from surgery,…

Posted in Science

Immunodeficiency driven by mitochondrial dysfunction, can be reversed

This is study that has very wide applicability since the immune system plays a role not only…

Posted in Science

Just one aspirin (300mg) daily stops a patient’s terminal liver cancer

While the evidence for aspirin’s preventive effects on numerous cancer types is extensive and even mainstream medicine…

Posted in Science

Almost 1000 common food/drug/household chemicals are (estrogenic) carcinogens

Back in 2023, I had an interview with Dr. Mercola in regards to estrogen and its role…

Posted in Science

Most cancers overproduce cortisol, and it accelerates their growth

This post is right on the heels of the one I just did on cortisol stimulating its…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) can cause gastro-intestinal (GI) polyps, precursors to GI cancers

The bad news for the “happy hormone” keep streaming into the public consciousness, despite the gargantuan effort…

Posted in Science

PUFA (linoleic acid) is hepatotoxic and carcinogenic; MUFA/SFA are not

A neat little commentary in the Cell journal on a study in Nature. Not very surprising for…