Vitamin D may be an effective anti-aging intervention

A good summary article on the multitude of mechanisms through which vitamin D acts to target virtually all pathways known to be involved in aging. One mechanisms I did not see mentioned is that vitamin D is a known inducer/activator of the anti-aging Klotho gene, so I am adding a reference on that too (first link below). Considering that vitamin D is a potent metabolic enhancer, as well as stimulant of mitochondrial biogenesis, the lifespan extending effects are not really surprising, but it is nice to see a high-level breakdown of all the pathways through which vitamin D may work in the human body.

“…VitD regulates protein homeostasis, impacting longevity and muscle health. In C. elegans, VitD reduces protein insolubility and toxicity, promoting longevity. In rats, VitD deficiency increases muscle protein breakdown and contributes to muscle atrophy. VitD also influences cellular signaling involved in myogenesis and activates adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) during metabolic stress. VitD impacts cellular and mitochondrial function across various systems. It reduces oxidative stress, improves muscle and lung function, and attenuates oxidative damage in neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. VitD also shows potential in mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction in conditions like sarcopenia and Crohn’s disease. VitD also plays a crucial role in regulating immune responses by its widespread distribution among immune cells and autonomic control of active VitD concentration at inflamed sites. While some studies link VitD supplementation to reduced inflammation markers in various conditions, overall evidence is inconclusive despite potential benefits in certain diseases. Chronic inflammation can disrupt gut microbiota balance, as seen in conditions like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and osteoarthritis (OA). VitD supplementation shows promise in restoring microbial balance and reducing inflammation. Studies indicate VitD’s role in enhancing antimicrobial peptides, stabilizing gut barriers, and regulating microbiota composition. VitD shows potential in bone regeneration and neural stem cell modulation, crucial for nervous system development and repair. It influences signaling in brain neurogenesis and may have therapeutic implications in conditions like acute myeloid leukemia. However, further research is needed to explore its full potential in stem cell therapy…Understanding aging involves complex interactions among various biological mechanisms. VitD shows promise in influencing the hallmarks of aging, including genomic stability and senescence.”

Author: haidut