Niacinamide increases endurance in people with vascular disease

An actual human, randomized placebo-controlled trial. Daily in take of 1,000 nicotinamide riboside (NR) – which has been shown to be non-superior to niacinamide in terms of raising NAD+ levels – for 6 months improved endurance in people with peripheral vascular disease. While the study only looked at patients with this specific conditions, this condition is often a subset of the much more common and dangerous cardiovascular disease (CVD), so I think it would not be too much of a stretch to say that taking 1g niacinamide daily would have the same effect in CVD as well, while also potentially being a so-called “disease-modifying therapy” – i.e. having beneficial effects on the underlying pathology causing the fatigue and lack of endurance. Interestingly enough, the study also tested the effects of resveratrol and found it to be not beneficial. So much for the multi-million dollar research performs by Dr. Sinclair in Harvard and the resveratrol company he sold to GSK for more than $700mil.

“…The over-the-counter supplement nicotinamide riboside, a form of vitamin B3, increased the walking endurance of patients with peripheral artery disease, a chronic leg condition for which there are few effective treatments. In a preliminary, randomized, double-blind clinical trial led by Northwestern University and University of Florida scientists, patients who took nicotinamide riboside daily for six months increased their timed walking distance by more than 57 feet, compared to participants who took a placebo. As expected, walking speed declined in those who took a placebo, because peripheral artery disease causes progressive declines in walking performance…(The researchers also tested if resveratrol, a compound best known for being in red wine, could boost the effects of nicotinamide riboside; they found no additional benefits.)”

Author: haidut