Even briefly elevated lactate is a “master” cause of chronic diseases

The title of the post actually does not do justice to how strongly the study authors word their statements in regards to lactate. The lead study author called lactate “a master regulator of carcinogenesis” (with “regulator” being a euphemism for “cause”, otherwise the study won’t get published), while the rest of the study goes to great lengths to explain that lactate is far from being just as “waste product” (CO2 anyone?) and is in fact a key driver of heart failure, diabetes and even neurological disease. The mechanism of action? Lactate damages mitochondria – something Peat has been writing about for decades. The really eye-opening finding of the study is that even a brief lactate exposure (48 hours) was sufficient to turn on those pro-disease mechanisms. A 48 hour exposure to elevated lactate may not seem like much but it is common in endurance athletes, as well as people under chronic stress, or consuming certain foods/medications. In fact, most studies consider the 48-hour period as within the span of so-called acute exposure, while chronic exposure is usually defined as spanning 7 days or more. As such, the study findings apply to virtually all people, as most of us have numerous period throughout any given year when we are exposed to elevate lactate for 48 hours, or more. The only drawback of this study, which reads as if Peat wrote it, is that it states that “brief” periods of lactate exposure are “beneficial” and that endurance exercise is the “only” tool for restoring damages mitochondrial function, when in fact it is very often damaging to the mitochondria and invariably raises lactate itself. A much safer method for improving mitochondrial function is raising levels of CO2, which is, to mimic the wording of the study author, the “master regulator” of mitochondrial biogenesis. Concentric exercise is another such method, as are the administrations of oxidizing agents (e.g. quinones) or agents that inhibit the stress response (aspirin, pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, DHT, vitamin D, niacinamide, etc). Regardless, it looks like the tide is turning on lactate/CO2, and thus on the mainstream medical attitudes towards the (metabolic) cause(s) of many/most chronic diseases.



“…Acute amounts of lactate like those generated during exercise are probably required for healthy cells, but chronic exposure causes cellular disruption which can lead to cancer, heart failure and type 2 diabetes, according to a new study by scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus….We know that lactate is not just a ,” said lead author Iñigo San Millán, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and associate professor at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. “It has significant signaling and regulation properties at the cellular level.” Lactate, a byproduct of glucose, is a major source of energy for the cell, especially the mitochondria. It’s a preferred fuel over glucose in the beating heart, muscles and the brain. The substance is also produced during exercise and rapidly cleared from the body through the mitochondria which swiftly oxidizes it. But San Millán and his colleagues found that when rats were exposed to lactate for  up to 48 hours they became more susceptible to disease. “We know that when lactate is acutely exposed to cells, like during exercise, it is beneficial,” San Millán said. “But chronic exposure disrupts cellular metabolism entirely.” The researchers focused on whether chronic lactate exposure could decrease the activity of cardiac mitochondria, cause cellular disruption and lead to metabolic inflexibility of the heart. They discovered that long-term lactate exposure led to a significant decrease in fatty acid transport, alterations of a key component in mitochondrial membranes known as cardiolipin and decreases in mitochondrial ATP or energy production. It also prompted increases in free radicals that could cause and play a role in type 2 diabetes. “We found that dysregulated lactate is probably a major player in disease,” San Millán said. “This is a  but we believe the results would be similar in human cells.”

“…San Millán, who in addition to his research trains top athletes including last year’s winner of the Tour de France, has done extensive research into the relationship between lactate and cancer and the overall importance of mitochondrial health. In a previous study, his research group showed that lactate could be a master regulator of carcinogenesis—the process that turns a normal cell into a cancer cell. “Cancer  are producing glucose all the time and they are producing lactate all the time and it is never cleared out like it is during exercise,” he said. “This lactate accumulation regulates the expression of many key genes involved in cancer as we have recently shown.” For San Millán, it comes down to mitochondrial health. “We believe that a primary mitochondrial impairment or dysfunction could lead to excessive accumulation leading to disease,” he said. “And right now, the only medication we have to fix mitochondrial function is exercise.”

Author: haidut