Tag: lactate

Posted in Science

Top diabetes drug Metformin causes muscle atrophy by activating AMPK/myostatin

The drug metformin probably needs no introduction here. It is one of the oldest and most widely…

Posted in Science

Lactate drives cancer resistance to chemotherapy, reducing lactate is therapeutic

Over the last 5-6 years, a number of high profile articles (many of them, including the new…

Posted in Science

Lactate damages mitochondria and can cause (pulmonary) fibrosis

In the first half of the 20th century lactate had a largely negative reputation in medical circles…

Posted in Science

Reduced availability/oxidation of glucose sufficient to cause heart failure (HF)

Yet another “mysterious” idiopathic condition turns out to be nothing but metabolic dysregulation in disguise. Also, unlike…

Posted in Science

Even briefly elevated lactate is a “master” cause of chronic diseases

The title of the post actually does not do justice to how strongly the study authors word…

Posted in Science

Lactate is a key driver of diabetes/obesity, by promoting inflammation

A great study, demonstrating that in diabetes (just as in cancer) the so-called Warburg Effect (aerobic glycolysis)…

Posted in Science

Reduced pyruvate and/or increased lactate drive heart failure

I just did a post on the role of reduced glucose metabolism, lower pyruvate/NAM/NAD and elevated lactate…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide may treat ALS by improving energetic state

Another study sent to me by the Austrian collaborator. Once again, the energetic origin of “incurable” diseases…

Posted in Science

Giving COVID-19 patients pure oxygen (O2) may be brain-toxic

The current coronavirus epidemic is bringing a number of pervasive but concealed issue to the forefront. One…

Posted in Science

Lactate is an oncometabolite (promotes cancer), no genes/mutations needed

It has now been more than 5 years since a seminal post/discussion on Reddit raised the question…