Tag: co2

Posted in Science

Study: CO2 may be “bad” for the climate, but is beneficial for humans

One of my readers sent this article via email. In all honesty, I did not expect that…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) supplementation prevents/treats osteoarthritis (OA)

Actual conclusion of the study itself and a very strong claim, considering medicine considered OA to be…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) improves digestion and ameliorates constipation

Reduced frequency of bowel movements is one of the most reliable signs of declining metabolic rate, and…

Posted in Science

Low-dose niacinamide has striking anti-obesity effects

It looks like the medical world has firmly set its sights on the bioenergetic wave/target, as the…

Posted in Science

Hypogonadism in older males due to low OXPHOS

I suspect many readers will simply say “duh!”, but believe or not the origin of age-related hypogonadism…

Posted in Science

Even briefly elevated lactate is a “master” cause of chronic diseases

The title of the post actually does not do justice to how strongly the study authors word…

Posted in Science

Humans have a ‘salamander-like’ ability to regrow cartilage

The title says it all, but the study authors make the unfortunate/handicapped conclusion that while we may…