Declining vision from aging can be restored by staring at red light

The rates of cataracts, glaucoma, and other vision problems continue to rise and the increasingly aging world population will likely see this problem worsen in the coming years/decades. As such, therapeutic interventions that improve vision are desperately needed. The study below now adds declining vision to the list of problems now known to be caused by energetic deficiency. More importantly, it demonstrates (in humans) that the declining vision can be restored in just 2 weeks by simply looking at red light light for 3 minutes daily. The mechanism of action is, of course, improved mitochondrial function. Considering the claims of mainstream medicine that declining vision is an incurable progressive disease that can only be delayed by surgery/drugs, I wonder why the same “miraculous” results cannot be also achieve with other degenerative diseases, especially in the brain, of which the visual system is a part. After all, previous studies have demonstrated improved cognitive function from exposing the retina to red light, which demonstrates that the metabolic/mitochondrial benefits of such therapy are not limited to the visual system only. Maybe an “incurable” disease such as Alzheimer may also “miraculously” disappear if one were to stare at red light daily for 2 weeks. Or, you know, just spend more time under the sun, much to the chagrin of your doctor advising heavy use of sunscreen and avoidance of the sun. You will be better off if you picked up smoking than listening to your doctor…

“…Lead author, Professor Glen Jeffery (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology) said: “As you age your visual system declines significantly, particularly once over 40. “Your retinal sensitivity and your colour vision are both gradually undermined, and with an ageing population, this is an increasingly important issue. “To try to stem or reverse this decline, we sought to reboot the retina’s ageing cells with short bursts of longwave light.” In humans around 40 years-old, cells in the eye’s retina begin to age, and the pace of this ageing is caused, in part, when the cell’s mitochondria, whose role is to produce energy (known as ATP) and boost cell function, also start to decline. Mitochondrial density is greatest in the retina’s photoreceptor cells, which have high energy demands. As a result, the retina ages faster than other organs, with a 70% ATP reduction over life, causing a significant decline in photoreceptor function as they lack the energy to perform their normal role. Researchers built on their previous findings in mice, bumblebees and fruit flies, which all found significant improvements in the function of the retina’s photoreceptors when their eyes were exposed to 670 nanometre (long wavelength) deep red light. “Mitochondria have specific light absorbance characteristics influencing their performance: longer wavelengths spanning 650 to 1000nm are absorbed and improve mitochondrial performance to increase energy production,” said Professor Jeffery.”

“…All participants were then given a small LED torch to take home and were asked to look into* its deep red 670nm light beam for three minutes a day for two weeks. They were then re-tested for their rod and cone sensitivity. Researchers found the 670nm light had no impact in younger individuals, but in those around 40 years and over, significant improvements were obtained…Professor Jeffery said: “Our study shows that it is possible to significantly improve vision that has declined in aged individuals using simple brief exposures to light wavelengths that recharge the energy system that has declined in the retina cells, rather like re-charging a battery. “The technology is simple and very safe, using a deep red light of a specific wavelength, that is absorbed by mitochondria in the retina that supply energy for cellular function. “Our devices cost about £12 to make, so the technology is highly accessible to members of the public.”

Author: haidut