Muscular dystrophy may be driven by estrogen

Aside from implicating estrogen in yet another “mysterious” chronic, incurable condition the study below is also worth considering due to the fact that the cases it looked at were all “hereditary” muscular dystrophy. Why put hereditary in quotes? Well, because as the study makes it quite clear, there is no known gene involved in this condition, so the only thing that remains as a culprit even in this “genetic” condition is the hormonal imbalance – i.e. the elevated estradiol, corroborated by the other symptoms of estrogen excess such as sexual dysfunction, feminization, and even arrested development. It is also worth noting that ALL examined patients with muscular dystrophy had elevated estrogens. In a further corroboration of the study findings, there are multiple case studies on people with various muscular dystrophic conditions (including the lethal ALS) recovering fully or at least stopping the progression of the condition by using various anti-estrogenic tools such as androgen therapy, anti-estrogen therapy, vitamin D, vitamins B1/B3, etc.

“…Hypophyseal-testicular function was examined in 11 patients with Becker’s progressive myodystrophy (PMD), in 9 with Erb-Roth’s PMD and in 10 with Landouzy-Dejerine’s PMD. The patients’ age ranged from 21 to 45 years. Blood serum LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone and estradiol were measured by RIA. A sexological study was carried out as well. All the patients’ groups suffering from PMD were characterized by a significant rise of blood estradiol. Apart from hypoestrogenemia, some of the patients manifested hypotestosteronemia, hyper- and hypoprolactinemia, reduction of the LH level. It is assumed that the identified hormonal alterations, primarily hyperestrogenemia, may play an adaptation role under the conditions of the genetically determined myodystrophic process. On the other hand, however, the neuroendocrine alterations provoked sexual disorders in PMD patients. The patients often manifested arrest of sexual development, libido decrease, objective signs of demasculinization and feminization, subjective complaints of sexual dysfunction whatever the PMD pattern.”

Author: haidut