Tag: estrogen

Posted in Science

Estrogen is NOT low in menopause, in fact there is estrogen dominance in blood and tissues

It looks like medicine is quietly starting to introduce the general public to the idea that menopause…

Posted in Science

IDEALABS STUDY: Estrogen causes prostate cancer (PC), DHT and/or aromatase inhibitor may stop/treat PC

Just a quick note with some preliminary results, to be updated soon. I wanted to get the…

Posted in Science

The benefits of smoking, if any, may be due to lowering endotoxin/estrogen, raising dopamine

I know the topic of smoking and drinking is controversial, and I hope that this post is…

Posted in Science

Vitamin E may resolve the “irreversible” side effects of anti-psychotic drugs

As many of my readers know, the current “standard of care” for treating conditions such as schizophrenia…

Posted in Science

Dopamine may treat all types of breast cancer

A few years ago, I did a post on the strikingly positive effects in-vivo of the dopamine…

Posted in Science

Synthetic progestins, but not progesterone, increase risk of a brain tumor (meningioma)

Once again, the false equivalence between bioidentical progesterone and synthetic progestins (which medicine has been promoting for…

Posted in Science

Adding progesterone to anti-estrogen therapy stops breast cancer growth

Estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting women worldwide and…

Posted in Science

Estrogen causes anxiety

Just a day ago I did a post about estrogens being a cause of dementia, while anti-estrogens…

Posted in Science

Estrogen causes dementia/Alzheimer, anti-estrogens are protective

This study is one of the most damaging piece of evidence I have seen over the last…

Posted in Science

Estrogen and cortisol inhibit mitochondrial oxidation, vitamin E reverses the inhibition

More specifically, those steroids inhibit NADH (also known as DPNH) oxidation in the mitochondria, which shifts the…