Tag: inflammation

Posted in Science

Endotoxin has a G.E.L.D.I.N.G effect, causes obesity and hypogonadism

A very interesting study proposing that the decline in gonadal function seen in obese/diabetic men is due…

Posted in Science

PUFA and serotonin promote each other, and likely cause mental illness

I neat new study that draws a direct parallel between PUFA-driven inflammation, serotonin and depression. As the…

Posted in Science

Vitamin E restores cardiac health after heart attack

A great study that gives vitamin E a much deserved exposure in mainstream media. A few years…

Posted in Science

Allopregnanolone as a treatment of Alzheimer Disease (AD)

It looks like the recent FDA approval of allopregnanolone (ALLO) for postpartum depression may open the floodgates…

Posted in Science

Chronic nerve pain may be caused by endotoxin, commercial food, and pharma drugs

I posted a few threads last year demonstrating that some cases of chronic nerve pain may be…

Posted in Science

Progesterone may bind and deactivate endotoxin (LPS) directly

I made a few posts recently discussing the blocking effects of pregnenolone on TLR4 and TLR family…

Posted in Science

PUFA (metabolites) drive heart failure and possibly diabetes

Over the years I have posted a number of studies on the roles of PUFA metabolites such…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D deficiency can cause heart failure

As many readers know, there is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. It is of worldwide proportions,…

Posted in Science

Blocking endotoxin (LPS) may reverse/cure diabetes type I (insulin dependent)

Yet another study demonstrating the key role of endotoxin in the pathology of perhaps the most widespread…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) may cause depression / anhedonia

As many readers know, anhedonia is one of the most pernicious aspects of clinical depression. It is…