Posted in Science

Daily aspirin reduces by 37% risk of fatty liver progressing into cirrhosis

Another great study about aspirin. What I particularly like about this study is that one of the…

Posted in Science

Obesity increasing; is NOT due to the cliche urban, gluttonous, sedentary lifestyle

I just made a post questioning the universal dogma peddled by every doctor – i.e. “eat less,…

Posted in Science

Dieting (fasting) is deleterious

Hot on the heels of another post I recently made is the study below, which concludes that…

Posted in Science

Keto diet (low-carb) causes liver insulin resistance, raises diabetes risk

Finally some common sense is coming out of mainstream medicine. As the study below aptly shows, eating…

Posted in Science

There is no “Depression Gene”, and any “evidence” of a genetic cause so far has been fairy tales

I did not think that I would see such a brave post appear on the front page…

Posted in Science

Progesterone can prevent recurrent miscarriages

I am only posting this because this is yet another mysterious condition for which officially there is…

Posted in Science

Osteoporosis is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, driven by nitric oxide (NO)

Let’s repeat the mantra one more time – structure and function cannot be separated, they are interdependent…

Posted in Science

Fibromyalgia may be simply a sign of insulin resistance

As many of your have seen on TV, there is currently a boom in ads for drigs…

Posted in Science

Insects (wasps) are capable of logic, recognizing peer faces, and socializing based on memories

Every time I look at the title for this post I can’t help but think – so,…

Posted in Science

The Sun may be a significant source of gamma-ray radiation

I like this study because, in the words of one of the authors, it reveals how little…