Posted in Science

Vitamin D may be a safe, seizure-minimizing epilepsy treatment

Note that the title is the actual opinion of the study authors, and not my interpretation. The…

Posted in Science

Allopregnanolone deficiency during pregnancy causes autism

Yet another study that links prenatal stress with the offspring developing autism. The rates of autism have…

Posted in Science

Elevated serotonin increases criminal activity

The study looked at correlations between ambient temperature and criminal activity and found that higher temperatures correlate…

Posted in Science

The brain can be revived hours after death, and without a body

I mentioned the idea of “suspended animation” on several of Danny Roddy’s podcasts and posted in a…

Posted in Science

Fluorescent light (FL) exposure triggers chronic inflammation / immune overactivity

As Peat has discussed many times in this interviews and most people know first-hand, FL is really…

Posted in Science

The (in)famous condition “chemo brain” may be simply a state of low DHEA

The condition known as “chemo brain” is notorious among cancer survivors and many other patients undergoing toxic…

Posted in Science

All gut bacteria is dangerous, their endotoxin drives liver cancer; antibiotics can cure.

As Peat has written many times, there is truly no such thing as “beneficial” gut bacteria as…

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Fertility depends on metabollism (ATP), not age

As many of you know, there are two fundamental dogmas in reproductive medicine. One is that every…

Posted in Science

Blocking stress signal (adrenaline) just once cures anxiety, PTSD and maybe any mental disorder.

This is a remarkable study, which once again implicates extreme stress in the pathology of mental health…

Posted in Science

Damaged mitochondria and endotoxin (LPS) drive chronic inflammation

Chronic, low-grade inflammation has now been recognized as the main cause behind a number of chronic degenerative…