Tag: lps

Posted in Science

Aspirin improves cognition, lowers brain inflammation due to sleep deprivation

The study was with humans, which makes it that much more relevant. As most of my readers…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) improves digestion and ameliorates constipation

Reduced frequency of bowel movements is one of the most reliable signs of declining metabolic rate, and…

Posted in Science

Parkinson’s may be due to B vitamin deficiencies, riboflavin (B2) and biotin (B7) may treat

Yet another study, which not only points to the gut/endotoxin as a major cause of many chronic,…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin/LPS drives esophageal cancer

One of the few studies to directly implicate endotoxin (also known as LPS) in cancer progression. While…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin/LPS can cause anxiety/depression; COX inhibitors (e.g. aspirin) may treat both

Another study demonstrating the potent effects endotoxin/LPS has on systemic inflammation and mental health even after a…

Posted in Science

Even a single endotoxin/LPS exposure has long-lasting health effects

I am posting this study simply as an example of how profound the effect of endotoxin/LPS is…

Posted in Science

Aversion to bitter taste may be a sign of endotoxin/LPS overload, chronic disease

Just a few days ago I did a post about a study, which showed that endotoxin (LPS)…

Posted in Science

Another “paradox” – elevated cortisol, from high-fat diet, increases inflammation

Over the last year or so I posted about several studies demonstrating that even short-term usage of…

Posted in Science

Illness (endotoxin) makes body odor unpleasant, may lead to social shunning

The study below demonstrated something most of us have known intuitively since childhood. Namely, sick people not…

Posted in Science

Parkinson Disease (PD) akin to infectious disease – driven by endotoxin, damaged mitochondria

Yet another study demonstrating that there is no need for genes or any other hereditary mechanism to…