Tag: cvd

Posted in Science

Low-dose aspirin may prevent most dementias (even Alzheimer’s)

Over the last couple of months, a few studies came out arguing (again) that aspirin is not…

Posted in Science

“Endurance” exercise ages the vascular system of males by more than a decade

A very interesting study, though I don’t really agree with its findings that while “endurance” (in this…

Posted in Science

Eating vegetables does nothing to protect against heart disease

The bad news for vegans keep piling on. Yesterday, I posted about meat-eating extending lifespan, unlike eating…

Posted in Science

Even briefly elevated lactate is a “master” cause of chronic diseases

The title of the post actually does not do justice to how strongly the study authors word…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) drives obesity, diabetes and CVD in young people

It looks like medicine is starting to change course on its attitude to endotoxin (LPS). After claiming…

Posted in Science

Estrogen associated with arterial stiffness in women

Blood pressure rises with age, and most people over the age of 50 are on some type…

Posted in Science

Omega-3 increase risk of atrial fibrillation (afib)

It looks like Big Pharma is just living the dream. Considering doctors left and right are recommending…

Posted in Science

For most individuals, the risks of keto diets outweigh the benefits

The title is the actual conclusion of the study, in the authors’ own words. Among the diseases…

Posted in Science

Almost half of obese adults are (metabolically) healthy

A seemingly contradictory title, but only to people who are not aware of the so-called “obesity paradox“….

Posted in Science

Heart attack survivors have high stress (cortisol/adrenaline) hypersensitivity, low androgens

A very interesting study that highlights yet again the connection between chronic stress and ill systemic health,…