Tag: cvd

Posted in Science

Low-carb diets linked to increased risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib)

Another hit for the low-carb lifestyle/diet. Some recent studies showed that low-carb diets or fasting increased risk…

Posted in Science

Fish oil (omega-3) causes, not prevents cardiovascular disease (CVD)

A rather damning finding, and it was based on one of the largest studies to date examining…

Posted in Science

Intermittent fasting has no benefits, ups risk of dying from heart disease

The bad news for the intermittent fasting crowd (and by extension, for the low-carb crowd as well)…

Posted in Science

The fraud unravels – statins cause, not prevent heart disease (CVD)

While the news that the statin fraud is finally being exposed is certainly good, it is sad…

Posted in Science

Cortisol stimulates its own synthesis (peripherally), drives obesity/diabetes/CVD

Synthetic/bioidentical glucocorticoids (GC) are perhaps the most widely used steroids clinically. In addition, the HPA axis, culminating…

Posted in Science

Raising DHT levels even only in the brain reverses systemic atherosclerosis

As my readers know, I have been a fan of the strong, non-aromatizable androgen DHT for a…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide may lower blood pressure in humans by raising NAD+

The study actually used the now-banned NAD+ precursor known as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), but, as I keep…

Posted in Science

Vitamin K reduces vascular stiffness, blood pressure in humans

The topic of vitamin K and blood pressure has been coming up for years among followers of…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D may prevent atrial fibrillation (afib)

Some good news to all the people with this condition. Their numbers are, unfortunately, steadily rising and…

Posted in Science

Low androgens, not low estrogens, linked to heart disease in aging women

One of the most pernicious myths medicine created (and has been promoting for the last century) is…