Tag: testosterone

Posted in Science

Higher testosterone (T) levels protect against diabetes in males

Another study that contradicts the pervasive dogma that higher T levels are a nightmare for aging males,…

Posted in Science

Raising DHT levels even only in the brain reverses systemic atherosclerosis

As my readers know, I have been a fan of the strong, non-aromatizable androgen DHT for a…

Posted in Science

Low androgens, not low estrogens, linked to heart disease in aging women

One of the most pernicious myths medicine created (and has been promoting for the last century) is…

Posted in Science

Drinking Pepsi/Coke freely is androgenic for males, enlarges testicles, ups testosterone

I think the sales of Coke/Pepsi are about to go through the roof. The study sounds like…

Posted in Science

Downtrend of sperm count, penis length accelerating; humans now endangered species

A number of eminent fertility experts are now sounding a dire alarm in regards to the human…

Posted in Science

Low testosterone (T) may drive kidney and liver disease (NAFLD) in men

As many of my readers know, the “normal” range for T has been changed multiple times over…

Posted in Science

Low testosterone detrimental, TRT beneficial for men with COVID-19

Within a month of the pandemic start back in early 2020, doctors were already noticing a gender-specific…

Posted in Science

Hypogonadism in older males due to low OXPHOS

I suspect many readers will simply say “duh!”, but believe or not the origin of age-related hypogonadism…

Posted in Science

Alzheimer’s Severity Tied to Longer Estrogen Exposure in Women

A neat study, which somehow managed to slip through my “radar” when it was first published the…

Posted in Science

Not a “male” hormone – testosterone (T) beneficial for female heart health

It always feels good to read an article on a scientific discovery and have one of the…