Tag: obesity

Posted in Science

Males eating a low-carb diet father children with metabolic syndrome and diabesity

A really interesting study, which covers two very controversial topics in a single experiment. First, whether environmental…

Posted in Science

Weight-loss from low-carb/keto diets is mostly water; no lasting health benefits

Just a few minutes ago I posted about a study showing that l0w-carb diets increase risk of…

Posted in Science

Higher testosterone (T) levels protect against diabetes in males

Another study that contradicts the pervasive dogma that higher T levels are a nightmare for aging males,…

Posted in Science

Endurance exercise causes (peripheral) hyper-cortisol state

A few months ago I did a post on a pair of studies showing that while cortisol…

Posted in Science

Obesity linked to mitochondrial dysfunction in GI tract, treatable by fat restriction

I think the claim that obesity can be caused by lower metabolism is not something contentious, even…

Posted in Science

Optimal vitamin D intake may be at least 2,000 IU daily

As most people supplementing with vitamins know, the daily RDA for vitamin D has been set at…

Posted in Science

Obesity is estrogen-driven; Chronic fasting burns mostly muscle, not fat

I wanted to do a quick post on this, as this topic is one of the most…

Posted in Science

Cortisol stimulates its own synthesis (peripherally), drives obesity/diabetes/CVD

Synthetic/bioidentical glucocorticoids (GC) are perhaps the most widely used steroids clinically. In addition, the HPA axis, culminating…

Posted in Science

Higher doses of vitamin D, other steroids, may be needed in obese people

The title, at least in regards to vitamin D, is something Ray commented quite a few times…

Posted in Science

Inhibiting dopamine breakdown reverses obesity WITHOUT caloric restriction

Yet another study showing that the dogma we have been fed for decades – eat less and…