Tag: linoleic

Posted in Science

PUFA causes autism

Another study causally linking PUFA with a chronic, debilitating disease. Namely, it appears that PUFA is capable…

Posted in Science

PUFA intake during pregnancy is neuro-, cardio, and hepato-toxic to offspring

So much for the recommendation to increase PUFA intake during pregnancy, which is a mantra virtually all…

Posted in Science

PUFA (linoleic acid) is a true estrogen, similar to estradiol

This is one of those studies that, in my view, largely puts the debate about PUFA to…

Posted in Science

Dietary PUFA (linoleic acid) causes inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

The rates of IBD have truly skyrocketed over the last 10-15 years, significantly surpassing the general increase…

Posted in Science

PUFA, not sugar, causes eye damage associated with diabetes/aging

An amazing pair of new studies that coincidentally (synchronicity!) came out at the same time, but without…

Posted in Science

PUFA is part of spike protein, PUFA restriction may treat COVID-19

A pair of studies forwarded by one of my readers. The first one discovered that a PUFA…

Posted in Science

Higher PUFA intake correlated with mental disease

An epidemiological study, yet still useful IMO since the correlation was maintained across the various levels of…

Posted in Science

PUFA, from formula feeding or maternal obesity, may cause leukemia

Another great study, and one of the few that dares point the finger at medicine’s Holy Grail…