Tag: infertility

Posted in Science

Microplastics – known endocrine disruptors- found in blood, gonadal organs

The findings of this study are particularly alarming as they suggest there are now endocrine disruptors, likely…

Posted in Science

Progesterone (or pregnenolone) – a cheap, safe and effective treatment of infertility

It looks like Big Pharma is getting desperate and are now setting their sights on progesterone. The…

Posted in Science

Serotonin puts the brakes on libido, by lowering dopamine

Nothing really surprising, as far as Peatarians are concerned, in the findings of this study. I am…

Posted in Science

Stress ups cortisol/estrogen/prolactin, drops DHT, causes male infertility and prostate issues

If you try to discuss infertility with a fertility/reproductive specialist or an endocrinologist, and mention that chronic…

Posted in Science

Dietary PUFA in childhood causes diabetes and irreversible (male) infertility

A great study, which corroborates the discussion in another recent post of mine on PUFA’s role in…

Posted in Science

Dietary PUFA causes (reversible) male infertility and androgen deficiency

An amazing study, which should serves as a causing to the nuts-and-seeds crowd precisely because it used…

Posted in Science

TSH in the mid-normal range can cause female infertility

A great study that exposes the utter absurdity of the ranges currently defined as “normal” for a…

Posted in Science

PUFA may be a major factor in sterility

Just a few days ago I made a post about PUFA driving obesity, inflammation, and liver damage…

Posted in Science

Low-dose (but not high) niacinamide reverses reproductive decline in old females

A great new study, which once again confirms the importance of metabolism in “aging” disorders such as…

Posted in Science

Almost 40% of military women (and even more military males) are infertile

I think this study should dispel some of the myths about what being “fit” really means, and…