Tag: dhea

Posted in Science

Topical DHEA has potent anti-aging effects on human skin

I often get emails in regards to possible interventions with anti-aging effects on skin. The study I…

Posted in Science

DHEA-S completely prevents breast cancer metastasis due to estrogen

A great new study that debunks several myths related to DHEA. One of those myths is that…

Posted in Science

Estrogen and cortisol, not androgens, suppress immunity

There is a very famous theory in reproductive biology still considered the dominant one in its field….

Posted in Science

Rats can drive cars (to lower stress), befriend robot rats and help them when in trouble

Official/pathological science keeps sternly warning us not to anthropomorphize and to think of animals as nothing but…

Posted in Science

Reversing human aging likely possible with progesterone / DHEA

I decided to make a post on this topic after seeing the popular press articles about a…

Posted in Science

The (in)famous condition “chemo brain” may be simply a state of low DHEA

The condition known as “chemo brain” is notorious among cancer survivors and many other patients undergoing toxic…