Tag: alzheimer

Posted in Science

Estrogen causes dementia/Alzheimer, anti-estrogens are protective

This study is one of the most damaging piece of evidence I have seen over the last…

Posted in Science

STUDY: high serotonin linked to dementia; MEDIA: low serotonin linked to dementia

Once again, a level of misreporting that I am much more included to ascribe to malice than…

Posted in Science

PARADOX: Cortisol promotes inflammation, drives Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

It looks like serotonin (5-HT), commonly known as the “happy hormone” has a serious competitor for the…

Posted in Science

Human trial – niacinamide may treat Alzheimer Disease (AD)

One of my first posts on the topic of bioenergetics – more than a decade ago –…

Posted in Science

High serotonin linked to poor aging trajectory (brain atrophy and depression)

This is one of the studies that Big Pharma will probably spend a lot of money on…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) may drive both schizophrenia and Alzheimer Disease (AD)

Unbeknownst to most people, psychiatry has started to make a quiet “paradigm shift” in regards to psychotic…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D may prevent dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

The study is observational and does not really include information on specific dosing, but it was written…

Posted in Science

Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer are bioenergetic diseases; PUFA may be the cause

The bad news for PUFA (in this case linoleic acid) just keep piling on. At this point,…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) causes Alzheimer Disease (AD)

I have made posts on this topic in the past, but it seems this most recent study…

Posted in Science

BREAKING: Seminal study, core of the amyloid-Alzheimer theory, was FABRICATED!

It rarely gets any more damning for a scientific field than what was just announced today. Namely,…