Tag: stress

Posted in Science

Mitochondria (energy) as the main driver of health, intelligence, and aging

We are finally starting to see Peat enter the mainstream and article like the one below are…

Posted in Science

Blocking stress signal (adrenaline) just once cures anxiety, PTSD and maybe any mental disorder.

This is a remarkable study, which once again implicates extreme stress in the pathology of mental health…

Posted in Science

Damaged mitochondria and endotoxin (LPS) drive chronic inflammation

Chronic, low-grade inflammation has now been recognized as the main cause behind a number of chronic degenerative…

Posted in Science

High cortisol and low testosterone likely drive PTSD

As the article below states, 20%+ of service members come back with PTSD. It is a devastating…

Posted in Science

Cheating is driven by cortisol, not testosterone

The topic of macho behavior and its apparent mediator testosterone has been studies every since steroids were…

Posted in Science

Cortisol (stress) directly causes depression

I have posted quite a few threads/posts on the role of stress as perhaps the main cause…