Author: haidut

Posted in Science

How chronic stress (cortisol) causes disease

Back in 2018 I did a post on a neat study that demonstrated how the presence of…

Posted in Science

America’s favorite oil causes diabetes, obesity, autism, and liver / brain disease

A series of shockingly direct studies that do not shy away from pointing the finger at the…

Posted in Science

Advertising Makes People Unhappy

Engineering demand is one of the main goals of marketing, and as such it is an indispensable…

Posted in Science

FDA and NIH let clinical trial sponsors keep results secret (illegally)

A very good overview of how little power (or incentive) the federal authorities have to ensure proper…

Posted in Science

The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones

This mainstream media article is one of the best reviews on the dangers of EMF exposure and…

Posted in Science

Children frequently receive unnecessary / dangerous medical care

This study provides some clues in regards to the declining health of younger people that I have…

Posted in Science

Emulsifiers found in most commercial foods cause brain tumors, hemorrhage, and stroke

A really interesting study that demonstrates how emulsifiers considered “benign” by the FDA/USDA and present in virtually…

Posted in Science

Glucose is anabolic for thymus, opposes catabolic effects of cortisol

As most of my readers know, cortisol is a highly catabolic steroid and one of the main…

Posted in Science

Lowering DHT synthesis causes severe hypothyroidism, despite higher T levels

Just a quick post in regards to one of the most controversial steroids out there – dihydrotestosterone…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D – the new antibiotic against skin and gut infections

A great new study demonstrating the crucial role of vitamin D in maintaining proper immune function. The…