Tag: vitamin d3

Posted in Science

Vitamin D – the new antibiotic against skin and gut infections

A great new study demonstrating the crucial role of vitamin D in maintaining proper immune function. The…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D strikingly therapeutic for type II diabetes

Despite the ongoing assault against “ineffective” dietary supplements, the evidence in favor of them keeps piling on….

Posted in Science

Vitamin D may stop melanoma growth

A great study that corroborates my recent post on avoiding sunlight being as bad for health as…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D deficiency can cause heart failure

As many readers know, there is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. It is of worldwide proportions,…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D may be a safe, seizure-minimizing epilepsy treatment

Note that the title is the actual opinion of the study authors, and not my interpretation. The…