PUFA cause obesity, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, and depression
The title is an actual quote from the article, so there is no editorializing on my part…
High blood PUFA “a specific feature of severe COVID-19 pneumonia”
The evidence for PUFA being a crucial pathological factor in yet another disease is probably not surprising…
Blocking PUFA metabolism therapeutic for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
The rates of MS have been steadily rising over the last several decades. While mainstream medicine claims…
PUFA are remarkably estrogenic, toxic to the ovaries
One of the few studies that looks into the issue of whether the xenoestrogenic burden we are…
Omega-3 increase risk of atrial fibrillation (afib)
It looks like Big Pharma is just living the dream. Considering doctors left and right are recommending…
PUFA required for periodontal disease, aspirin may help
It is common knowledge even among mainstream dentists that periodontal disease is caused by bacteria accumulating under…
Protein and saturated fats beneficial, PUFA detrimental for thyroid
A good new study, which again confirms that saturated fat is anything but detrimental to our health….
Maternal high-PUFA diet causes alcoholism, aggressiveness, early puberty, and hyper-estrogenism in offspring
Finally, an intervention study that should help convince some of the die-hard PUFA fans that these fatty…
Air pollution impairs cognition, aspirin is protective
A new study demonstrating that even short-term (less than a month) exposure to polluted air impaired cognition…
Inflammation (from PUFA), not telomeres, determines lifespan / healthspan
The idea of lifespan being entirely determined by limits on cellular division has ruled biology for more…