Posted in Science

Iron drives heart failure by fattening the heart; iron chelators may prevent/cure

Recommending high intake of iron is one of the most common dietary recommendations of registered dieticians, as…

Posted in Science

Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer are bioenergetic diseases; PUFA may be the cause

The bad news for PUFA (in this case linoleic acid) just keep piling on. At this point,…

Posted in Science

PUFA damages mitochondria, blocks mitophagy, leads to heart damage

I can’t get access to the full study text, so the comments I have here are based…

Posted in Science

Pregnenolone/aspirin can block cellular estrogen uptake, PUFA promotes it

I have posted in the past about the “obscure” estrogen estrone sulfate (E1S) and its role as…

Posted in Science

Aspirin may treat pancreatitis…and other fibrotic conditions

While most of medicine’s attention is focused on acute pancreatitis (AP) since AP is often deadly, rates…

Posted in Science

PUFA metabolites may trigger diabetes type I

Type I diabetes is known as an autoimmune condition. Namely, for some “unknown” reason(s) the beta-cells of…

Posted in Science

PUFA is part of spike protein, PUFA restriction may treat COVID-19

A pair of studies forwarded by one of my readers. The first one discovered that a PUFA…

Posted in Science

Lipolysis preferentially releases PUFA from adipose tissue

…compared to SFA and/or MUFA. This topic is considered highly controversial in Peat-land, mostly because of the…

Posted in Science

Stearic acid (SA) is an estrogen receptor antagonist

Over the last year or so I stumbled upon a few studies claiming both SA (C18:0) and…

Posted in Science

Higher PUFA intake correlated with mental disease

An epidemiological study, yet still useful IMO since the correlation was maintained across the various levels of…