Tag: alzheimer

Posted in Science

Serotonin may cause schizophrenia, Parkinson, and Alzheimer diseases

One by one, medical myths (slowly) go the way of the Dodo. Two of the most pervasive…

Posted in Science

The Cure for Aging Might be the Cure for Alzheimer’s

Almost 25 years ago, Dr. Peat himself wrote a 2-article series in which he outlined arguments in…

Posted in Science

Lowering estrogen prevents memory decline in menopausal females

As many of my readers know, the WHI studies were highly detrimental to the profits of the…

Posted in Science

Alzheimer Disease (AD) linked to PUFA accumulation in brain

So much for the “beneficial” effects of PUFA. What makes this study particularly interesting is that it…

Posted in Science

Low Dose Lithium May Stop Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in Its Tracks

This study was sent to me by one of my Twitter followers. In some of my past…

Posted in Science

Metabolic dysfunction is a primary cause of aging and its symptom Alzheimer Disease (AD)

As it seems, not all hope is lost when it comes to mainstream medicine. Just a few…

Posted in Science

LSD enters clinical trials for Alzheimer Disease (AD)

For the last 5+ decades, Big Pharma and public health officials together with the entire law enforcement…

Posted in Science

Increasing metabolism may reverse Alzheimer Disease (AD) and general aging

Yet another study demonstrating the remarkable parallels between the decline in function (metabolism) and the structural abnormalities…

Posted in Science

Low-dose methylene blue (MB) may stop Alzheimer Disease (AD)

Another great result for the humble dye whose only claim medical fame so far has been as…

Posted in Science

Allopregnanolone as a treatment of Alzheimer Disease (AD)

It looks like the recent FDA approval of allopregnanolone (ALLO) for postpartum depression may open the floodgates…