Tag: stress

Posted in Science

Hormonal birth control puts women in chronic stress, by blocking progesterone synthesis

A truly remarkable study as it exposes so many lies that Big Pharma and its medical accomplices…

Posted in Science

Height is not genetic – UK’s drastic drop in height due to austerity, poor diet

A few years before the pandemic hit, I did a several posts on studies demonstrating that height…

Posted in Science

Chronic stress doubles the weight gain from high-fat diets

I am only posting this to demonstrate that the (in)famous claim so many doctors and dietitians and…

Posted in Science

STUDY: Glycine may treat depression; MEDIA: Glycine may cause depression

The level of misreporting in mainstream media is reaching criminal levels. For example, there have been many…

Posted in Science

Hair glucocorticoid levels predict future cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Ever since we launched our hair/nail steroid analysis service couple of years ago, I have been seeing…

Posted in Science

Chronic stress causes depression by depleting allopregnanolone

This is perhaps one of the very few articles that directly makes the claim that stress can,…

Posted in Science

Elevated serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) drive nightmares in PTSD

More than a quarter of all military/veteran personnel are estimated to have some form/level of PTSD, regardless…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) drives fear and conditions such as anxiety/PTSD

Conversely, blocking 5-HT or lowering its synthesis can probably cure most fear-based conditions such as generalized anxiety…

Posted in Science

Harvard Psychiatrist: All Mental Disease is Metabolic/Bioenergetic Disease

It is always nice to see mainstream medicine plagiarize from Dr. Peat attempt to right its course…

Posted in Science

Pregnenolone (P5) blocks stress-induced anxiety, hypertension and cocaine cravings

A great new study, and with humans too! As the study aptly demonstrates, the primary driver of…