Tag: vitamin A

Posted in Science

Vitamin A is a powerful immunostimulant, yet may treat “autoimmune” conditions

Another study that will probably rile up the anti-retinol crowd, but I would rather post it and…

Posted in Science

Vitamin A deficiency causes leaky gut and inflammation, may cause Alzheimer Disease (AD)

Another study that will probably make me plenty of new enemies among the anti-retinol crowd. I am…

Posted in Science

Vitamin A may alleviate depression in humans

I know this post will make me a lot of new enemies among the anti-retinol crowd, but…

Posted in Science

Vitamin A is required for male fertility

I am posting about this study not because I am thrilled at the possibility of society now…

Posted in Science

Vitamin A may treat anosmia (loss of smell) due to COVID-19

Once again, evidence emerges that widely available, dirt-cheap interventions may be able to treat a condition for…