Tag: immunity

Posted in Science

Vitamin A is a powerful immunostimulant, yet may treat “autoimmune” conditions

Another study that will probably rile up the anti-retinol crowd, but I would rather post it and…

Posted in Science

Vitamin C may be, after all, effective against viral, bacterial and fungal infections

The topic of vitamin C and enhanced resistance against (as well as accelerated recovery from) infections (especially…

Posted in Science

Most cancers overproduce cortisol, and it accelerates their growth

This post is right on the heels of the one I just did on cortisol stimulating its…

Posted in Science

Low mitochondrial function is akin to immunosuppression

While most people intuitively link metabolic rate with things like weight and exercise/athletic performance, few people realize…

Posted in Science

Low testosterone detrimental, TRT beneficial for men with COVID-19

Within a month of the pandemic start back in early 2020, doctors were already noticing a gender-specific…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), unlike D3 (cholecalciferol), ineffective for immune health

A very important study, with huge ramifications, considering most people taking prescription vitamin D are consuming vitamin…

Posted in Science

Pre-existing COVID-19 immunity in 20%-50% of people – better than vaccines?

A fascinating article that is unfortunately not getting any coverage in mainstream media (MSM). The review is…

Posted in Science

Raising NAD levels may be therapeutic for COVID-19

A rather timely study, which demonstrates once again the crucial role energy plays even in “non-metabolic” diseases…

Posted in Science

Vitamin C and Immuno-Oncology

Just posting this to keep my readers aware that after mocking Linus Pauling for half a century…

Posted in Science

Glucose is anabolic for thymus, opposes catabolic effects of cortisol

As most of my readers know, cortisol is a highly catabolic steroid and one of the main…