Tag: atp

Posted in Science

Mitochondrial dysfunction prevents apoptosis and drives inflammation

Yet another study, which demonstrates the inseparable link between metabolism and “structural” problems such as cellular integrity…

Posted in Science

Vitamin K significantly reduces leg/muscle cramps in humans

As many of my readers know, muscle spasticity is one of the main symptoms of low thyroid…

Posted in Science

Childhood stress causes muscle dysfunction in adulthood by damaging oxidative metabolism

Yet another study demonstrating that many mysterious, and sometimes severe/fatal (e.g. ALS) muscle-related conditions may be not…

Posted in Science

A single 15min exposure to red light boosts mitochondria and lowers blood glucose

A human study, which makes it that much more important. While the findings are not very surprising,…

Posted in Science

The fraud unravels – statins cause, not prevent heart disease (CVD)

While the news that the statin fraud is finally being exposed is certainly good, it is sad…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) may treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

A human case study, corroborated by the literature review done by the authors, suggesting that yet another…

Posted in Science

Metabolic rate may determine personality type and disease risk

Very interesting study that links mitochondrial density/number (and as such, the metabolic rate) with personality types. Namely,…

Posted in Science

Thiamine+biotin can treat Huntington Disease (HD), by restoring glucose metabolism

Many carrot-salads ago, back in ancient pre-pandemic times, I posted a study on high-dose biotin (300mg daily)…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide fully reverses endotoxemia and leaky gut (from ethanol)

The study below is a true gem due to both its broadness of impact, as well as…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide increases ATP/NAD, lower glucose/cortisol in humans

A great new study demonstrating for the first time in a human experiment what hundreds of animal…