Tag: tumor

Posted in Science

Aspirin, alone or with vitamin C, may treat many/most solid tumors

It seems that mainstream medicine is keeping close tabs on the Peatarian community. After denying for decades…

Posted in Science

Most cancers overproduce cortisol, and it accelerates their growth

This post is right on the heels of the one I just did on cortisol stimulating its…

Posted in Science

Aspirin can cure liver cancer in just 24 hours (in rabbits)

A pair of studies by a group of scientists in Brazil. They used intratumoral injections of a…

Posted in Science

Anti-histamines may prevent, treat melanoma

About 2 years ago I did a post discussing the hypothesis that melanoma is an endocrine tumor,…

Posted in Science

My first scientific study: Anti-cancer effects of CortiNon+

After more than 9 months of dealing with scientific bureaucracy, publishing politics, carefully crafting wording to avoid…

Posted in Science

Blocking PUFA supply halts brain cancer (glioblastoma)

Just a few days ago I posted about the strikingly therapeutic effects of vitamin B3 in brain…

Posted in Science

Restoring energy production in immune cells is therapeutic in cancer

The title of the popular press article is kind of the reverse of mine – i.e. cancer…

Posted in Science

High-salt diet strongly inhibits cancer growth

I am posting this study mostly as a response to the hostile exchanges I have had with…

Posted in Science

Emulsifiers found in most commercial foods cause brain tumors, hemorrhage, and stroke

A really interesting study that demonstrates how emulsifiers considered “benign” by the FDA/USDA and present in virtually…

Posted in Science

Elevated ESR and hCG levels are strong predictors of impending cancer diagnosis

I am posting this study for two reasons. One of them is to corroborate a statement from…