Tag: senescence

Posted in Science

Increasing serotonin (5-HT) breakdown delays/prevents aging

The naked mole rat (NMR) is one of the most fascinating species. Despite being a humble rodent,…

Posted in Science

Major depression likely driven by mitochondrial deterioration/dysfunction

This the latest study demonstrating that not only are various chronic diseases and aging essentially the same…

Posted in Science

Fasting causes aging by energy depletion, vitamin B2 can stop it

Well, if this title does not rile up the fasting crowd, I don’t know what will:-) Aside…

Posted in Science

DHT can stop aging of the pancreatic beta-cells (insulin-producing)

Another great study, which demonstrates that far from being a “villain” (in both males and females) DHT…

Posted in Science

Striking accumulation of PUFA in aged cells

Peat has written many times about the changes that occur in “aged” cells. Those changes are virtually…