Tag: progesterone

Posted in Science

Estrogen causes dementia/Alzheimer, anti-estrogens are protective

This study is one of the most damaging piece of evidence I have seen over the last…

Posted in Science

Stress/cortisol/aldosterone cause kidney disease; pregnenolone/progesterone treat it

The condition known as chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most common long-term co-morbidity of…

Posted in Science

Parkinson Disease (PD) is metabolic, of gut origin, progesterone to the rescue

One of the most famous sayings in medicine since antiquity has been Hippocrates’ quip that “all disease…

Posted in Science

Hormonal birth control puts women in chronic stress, by blocking progesterone synthesis

A truly remarkable study as it exposes so many lies that Big Pharma and its medical accomplices…

Posted in Science

Progesterone (or pregnenolone) – a cheap, safe and effective treatment of infertility

It looks like Big Pharma is getting desperate and are now setting their sights on progesterone. The…

Posted in Science

Low progesterone, not low estrogen, drives night sweats, insomnia of menopause

Every time I see a study like this I catch myself singing the glorious Queen lyrics “…another…

Posted in Science

Cells preferentially accumulate Pregnenolone (P5), Progesterone (P4), and DHEA

A study not directly dealing with disease, though its findings are probably relevant for all diseases. It…

Posted in Science

Progesterone, bromocriptine may treat autism

A great new study, which, while genomic in character, inadvertently points the finger directly at estrogen and/or…

Posted in Science

Progesterone may help quitting smoking

A very interesting article, on a topic that has been studied for decades but has not seen…

Posted in Science

Higher progesterone, lower estrogen makes women more generous

It looks like the beneficial effects if progesterone and harmful effects of estrogen are not limited to…