Tag: omega-6

Posted in Science

PUFA can cause male infertility by inhibiting oxidative metabolism (OXPHOS)

The study looked at one of the members of the PUFA family that even mainstream medicine is…

Posted in Science

Fish oil (omega-3) causes, not prevents cardiovascular disease (CVD)

A rather damning finding, and it was based on one of the largest studies to date examining…

Posted in Science

PUFA intake during pregnancy is neuro-, cardio, and hepato-toxic to offspring

So much for the recommendation to increase PUFA intake during pregnancy, which is a mantra virtually all…

Posted in Science

Dietary PUFA (linoleic acid) causes inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

The rates of IBD have truly skyrocketed over the last 10-15 years, significantly surpassing the general increase…

Posted in Science

PUFA are remarkably estrogenic, toxic to the ovaries

One of the few studies that looks into the issue of whether the xenoestrogenic burden we are…

Posted in Science

Glucocorticoids may increase inflammation in the long run

Glucocorticoids (both bioidentical and synthetic) are some of the most widely used drugs in the clinical setting,…

Posted in Science

PUFA promote torpor / hibernation, decrease lifespan

Not many studies on this topic, but here is one that will hopefully satisfy my critics who…

Posted in Science

PUFA are potent immunosuppresive agents

Just a quick post for all those PUFA/fish-oil lovers who keep sending me hate-mail about the “incredibly…

Posted in Science

Alzheimer Disease (AD) linked to PUFA accumulation in brain

So much for the “beneficial” effects of PUFA. What makes this study particularly interesting is that it…

Posted in Science

PUFA may be a major factor in sterility

Just a few days ago I made a post about PUFA driving obesity, inflammation, and liver damage…