Tag: offspring

Posted in Science

Males eating a low-carb diet father children with metabolic syndrome and diabesity

A really interesting study, which covers two very controversial topics in a single experiment. First, whether environmental…

Posted in Science

Maternal high-PUFA diet causes alcoholism, aggressiveness, early puberty, and hyper-estrogenism in offspring

Finally, an intervention study that should help convince some of the die-hard PUFA fans that these fatty…

Posted in Science

Drop in mom’s thyroid levels, undetectable by blood tests, tanks child IQ

I am posting this article mostly for the specific quote corroborating Peat’s writing that thyroid blood tests…

Posted in Science

Elevated maternal estrogen (estradiol) again linked to autism

Just weeks after the first study on the link between elevated estrogens (all types) and autism, a…

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs during pregnancy cause child autism, antiserotonin drugs cure it

Yet another study pointing the finger directly at serotonin as a major causative factor in autism. This…