Tag: keto

Posted in Science

Weight-loss from low-carb/keto diets is mostly water; no lasting health benefits

Just a few minutes ago I posted about a study showing that l0w-carb diets increase risk of…

Posted in Science

Keto diet linked to higher risk of heart disease (CVD) and stroke

The controversy over low-carb diets is steadily increasing. While such diets are still all the rage on…

Posted in Science

Low-carb/fasting raise, low-fat diets lower risk of early death by 30%+

Not very good news for the low-carb proponents, especially considering the fact that those findings match the…

Posted in Science

For most individuals, the risks of keto diets outweigh the benefits

The title is the actual conclusion of the study, in the authors’ own words. Among the diseases…

Posted in Science

Keto (low-carb) diet causes heart fibrosis, blocks mitochondrial biogenesis

The bad news for the low-carb / keto community keep piling on. There are a number of…

Posted in Science

Keto diet can cause lethal kidney failure

The bad news for the low-carb diets just keep piling on. This case report is about a…

Posted in Science

The keto diet works only for a week, then it causes obesity and diabetes

A great study that goes a long way towards dispelling the currently dominant dietary fad – the…

Posted in Science

Keto diet (low-carb) causes liver insulin resistance, raises diabetes risk

Finally some common sense is coming out of mainstream medicine. As the study below aptly shows, eating…