Tag: insulin

Posted in Science

Some cases of “diabetes” II may be just deficiency of (active) vitamin B6

Despite the widespread food fortification with vitamins in many “developed” countries, the fortification mostly revolves around iron,…

Posted in Science

HUMAN STUDY: Vitamin B3 ups muscle/bone mass/strength, lowers fat, improves glucose control

The study is epidemiological and it did not distinguish between the various forms of vitamin B3 available…

Posted in Science

How vitamin K protects from diabetes

The study discovered a new protein requiring vitamin K as a co-factor. It has long been known…

Posted in Science

Blocking estrogen (and/or taking DHEA) prevents menopausal obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc

A remarkable study, which for a reasonable person should unilaterally invalidate the mainstream dogma that menopause is…

Posted in Science

Glycine may prevent/treat diabetic neuropathy

A very interesting study, which adds more evidence in favor of the recent hypothesis that glycine (just…

Posted in Science

Another “paradox” – glucocorticoids cause inflammation, insulin blocks it

As many of my readers know, I am not a fan of the ubiquitous usage of both…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide increases ATP/NAD, lower glucose/cortisol in humans

A great new study demonstrating for the first time in a human experiment what hundreds of animal…

Posted in Science

SHBG may be a good test for liver (metabolic) health

A very good study, which probably runs counter to the “mantra” most bodybuilders adhere to – i.e….

Posted in Science

The “burning mouth” syndrome may be due to vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism

Just a quick post since I get a lot of emails about this issue, and apparently the…

Posted in Science

Inhibiting lipolysis may treat diabetes

Probably nothing surprising to my readers, but I think the study below is still important as it…