Tag: human

Posted in Science

DHEA causes fat-loss and improved glucose metabolism in humans

Another study corroborating the role of DHEA as one of the “youth” hormones. A recent study already…

Posted in Science

Red light therapy for Parkinson Disease (PD) begins human trials

A few weeks ago, I posted about a human study demonstrating reversal of age-related vision decline by…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide (vitamin B3) may cure HIV (human study)

The title of the post sounds a bit too good to be true but this is basically…

Posted in Science

Reversing human aging likely possible with progesterone / DHEA

I decided to make a post on this topic after seeing the popular press articles about a…

Posted in Uncategorized

Gorillas have developed human-like “societies” that are not based on kin

One of the central dogmas in biology is that any large number of animals behaving as a…