Tag: heart attack

Posted in Science

Low-carb diets linked to increased risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib)

Another hit for the low-carb lifestyle/diet. Some recent studies showed that low-carb diets or fasting increased risk…

Posted in Science

Fish oil (omega-3) causes, not prevents cardiovascular disease (CVD)

A rather damning finding, and it was based on one of the largest studies to date examining…

Posted in Science

Low androgens, not low estrogens, linked to heart disease in aging women

One of the most pernicious myths medicine created (and has been promoting for the last century) is…

Posted in Science

Zero-calorie sweetener (erythritol) linked to clotting, heart attacks and strokes

A striking finding but this new study below, and it is even more striking due to the…

Posted in Science

Iron drives heart failure by fattening the heart; iron chelators may prevent/cure

Recommending high intake of iron is one of the most common dietary recommendations of registered dieticians, as…

Posted in Science

Not a “male” hormone – testosterone (T) beneficial for female heart health

It always feels good to read an article on a scientific discovery and have one of the…

Posted in Science

Heart attack survivors have high stress (cortisol/adrenaline) hypersensitivity, low androgens

A very interesting study that highlights yet again the connection between chronic stress and ill systemic health,…

Posted in Science

Vitamin E restores cardiac health after heart attack

A great study that gives vitamin E a much deserved exposure in mainstream media. A few years…

Posted in Science

PUFA (metabolites) drive heart failure and possibly diabetes

Over the years I have posted a number of studies on the roles of PUFA metabolites such…