Tag: glucose

Posted in Science

Some cases of “diabetes” II may be just deficiency of (active) vitamin B6

Despite the widespread food fortification with vitamins in many “developed” countries, the fortification mostly revolves around iron,…

Posted in Science

A single 15min exposure to red light boosts mitochondria and lowers blood glucose

A human study, which makes it that much more important. While the findings are not very surprising,…

Posted in Society

Diabetic kidney damage driven by high fat & low glucose oxidation, glycine can treat it

This is yet another study that calls into serious doubt the main dogma of diabetic pathology provided…

Posted in Science

Multiple sclerosis (MS) may be due to low metabolism / glucose oxidation

Nothing surprising in the findings of the study, and in fact a great corroboration of the results…

Posted in Science

Blocking prostaglandins restores (glucose) metabolism, reverses brain aging

It is rare to find a study like the one below that combines so many crucial topics…

Posted in Science

Reduced availability/oxidation of glucose sufficient to cause heart failure (HF)

Yet another “mysterious” idiopathic condition turns out to be nothing but metabolic dysregulation in disguise. Also, unlike…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) may treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

A human case study, corroborated by the literature review done by the authors, suggesting that yet another…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

After decades of denial that AD is a metabolic condition, Big Pharma and Big Govt, are silently…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide increases ATP/NAD, lower glucose/cortisol in humans

A great new study demonstrating for the first time in a human experiment what hundreds of animal…

Posted in Science

Epilepsy/seizures caused by energetic deficit leading to calcium overload

Yet another study demonstrating that not only is a chronic, “incurable” disease of unknown origin treatable but…