Tag: fear

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) drives fear and conditions such as anxiety/PTSD

Conversely, blocking 5-HT or lowering its synthesis can probably cure most fear-based conditions such as generalized anxiety…

Posted in Science

Serotonin enhances learning from punishment, reduces learning from reward

Research as early as the 1960s firmly established that there is nothing “happy” when it comes to…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (and SSRI drugs) can cause anxiety and PTSD

Yet another great study exposing just how much of a “happy hormone” serotonin really is. As usual,…

Posted in Science

Blocking stress signal (adrenaline) just once cures anxiety, PTSD and maybe any mental disorder.

This is a remarkable study, which once again implicates extreme stress in the pathology of mental health…