Tag: fat

Posted in Science

Reduced folate intake may extend lifespan, by restoring metabolic flexibility

Ever since we launched our B-complex product Energin almost 10 years ago, we have been getting emails…

Posted in Science

HUMAN STUDY: Vitamin B3 ups muscle/bone mass/strength, lowers fat, improves glucose control

The study is epidemiological and it did not distinguish between the various forms of vitamin B3 available…

Posted in Science

Obesity linked to mitochondrial dysfunction in GI tract, treatable by fat restriction

I think the claim that obesity can be caused by lower metabolism is not something contentious, even…

Posted in Science

Aspirin may reverse NAFLD/fibrosis by reducing fat accumulation, inflammation

Another great win for aspirin, especially considering the prevalence of NAFLD, NASH, fibrosis/cirrhosis and even liver cancer….

Posted in Science

Obesity is estrogen-driven; Chronic fasting burns mostly muscle, not fat

I wanted to do a quick post on this, as this topic is one of the most…

Posted in Science

Fat increases estrogen synthesis, even in menopausal females; glucose lowers it

A fascinating study, which provides a number of important findings and insights. First, the study shows that…

Posted in Science

Androgens, glucocorticoids are antagonistic – former inhibit, latter promote fat gain

As most of my readers know, androgenic steroids are considered extremely dangerous by medicine and are in…

Posted in Science

Cancer relies on fat as fuel due to high reductive stress

One of the few studies out there that not only links cancer with impaired OXPHOS, but demonstrates…

Posted in Science

Higher PUFA intake correlated with mental disease

An epidemiological study, yet still useful IMO since the correlation was maintained across the various levels of…

Posted in Science

Oral allopregnanolone coming soon to a pharmacy near you

Kidding aside, it looks like pharma companies are starting to develop a very strong interest in oral…