Tag: empathy

Posted in Science

Endotoxin/LPS makes humans callous and unempathetic

It is hard to accept that something as ubiquitous as LPS may have such profound effects on…

Posted in Science

Anti-anxiety drugs, high cortisol reduce empathy

This is a study that has a lot of relevance for virtually every person living in a…

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs, not depression, destroy empathy

Yet another medical myth gets busted today. A common dogma in psychiatry is that one of the…

Posted in Science

Testosterone does NOT impair empathy in men

I am sure most readers are quite familiar with the cliche that testosterone (T) is what drives…

Posted in Science

Goats are “excellent listeners”, can recognize and respond to the feelings of their peers

Apparently, the expression “dull as a sheep/goat” needs to be revised. According to the study below, goats…

Posted in Science

Rats react the same way to observing pain in others as if they experience it themselves

So much for animals lacking empathy, or being “selfish machines” as famously coined by that sociopath Richard…