Tag: disease
Almost half of the global population has some form of neurological disease
Only posting this as a good indicator of the steadily deteriorating environmental conditions we are all facing….
Negative childhood experiences accelerate aging/disease in humans
I am posting this study mostly as a counterexample to all the drivel coming out of gerontology…
Aging and disease are the same process, driven by low metabolism
I am posting about this mostly due to its “told you so” factor – i.e. more and…
Aging is an energy deficiency problem, taking cardiolipin may reverse it
Yet another study demonstrating that “aging” is nothing but a phenotype characterizing an organism with declining energy…
Working too hard / long can kill you
Another study directly implicating work stress in not only chronic, degenerative conditions but also death directly. Apparently,…
The Cure for Aging Might be the Cure for Alzheimer’s
Almost 25 years ago, Dr. Peat himself wrote a 2-article series in which he outlined arguments in…
“Anti-aging” hormone (hGH) may actually shorten life
The duo of hGH/IGF-1 does not need an introduction. Hardly a day passes without some ad on…
Vitamin E can treat/cure severe fatty liver disease (NASH) in humans
As many of my readers know, currently there is an epidemic of the condition known as non-alcoholic…
How chronic stress (cortisol) causes disease
Back in 2018 I did a post on a neat study that demonstrated how the presence of…
In most cases, genes have less than 5% contribution to disease risk
Yet another study (published by geneticists who have a vested interest to come up with results that…