Tag: depression

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs, serotonin (5-HT) can cause chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

Mainstream medicine does not officially recognize the condition commonly known as CFS. Depending on which doctor one…

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs cause depression/anxiety, blocking serotonin rapidly reverses the latter

It is hard to come up with a more controversial statement in psychiatry than to say that…

Posted in Science

Blocking serotonin (5-HT) stops withdrawal symptoms in addicts

The role of 5-HT and other stress mediators such as cortisol, adrenaline, estrogen, prolactin, histamine, etc has…

Posted in Science

High serotonin linked to poor aging trajectory (brain atrophy and depression)

This is one of the studies that Big Pharma will probably spend a lot of money on…

Posted in Science

STUDY: Glycine may treat depression; MEDIA: Glycine may cause depression

The level of misreporting in mainstream media is reaching criminal levels. For example, there have been many…

Posted in Science

Chronic stress causes depression by depleting allopregnanolone

This is perhaps one of the very few articles that directly makes the claim that stress can,…

Posted in Science

Vitamin D supplementation may lower suicide risk by 50%

Suicide rates have been rising for the last 20+ years and have truly gotten out of control…

Posted in Science

Major depression likely driven by mitochondrial deterioration/dysfunction

This the latest study demonstrating that not only are various chronic diseases and aging essentially the same…

Posted in Science

Human study – vitamin B6 may relieve anxiety and depression

Vitamin B6 is perhaps one of the most underrated B vitamins. While it attracted a lot of…

Posted in Science

Being Sad and Lonely Accelerates Aging More Than Smoking

The title is the same as the one of the popular press article. And since feelings of…