Tag: COX

Posted in Science

Vitamin E supplementation may prevent lung disease (COPD)

An interesting study, considering vitamin E’s benefits are thought (by medicine) to be mostly related to its…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin/LPS can cause anxiety/depression; COX inhibitors (e.g. aspirin) may treat both

Another study demonstrating the potent effects endotoxin/LPS has on systemic inflammation and mental health even after a…

Posted in Science

Just one aspirin (300mg) daily stops a patient’s terminal liver cancer

While the evidence for aspirin’s preventive effects on numerous cancer types is extensive and even mainstream medicine…

Posted in Science

PUFA metabolite (prostaglandin) promotes lipolysis / fibrosis, causes obesity / diabetes

Just in case there are still doubts out there about just how detrimental PUFA is to our…

Posted in Science

NSAID drugs, except aspirin, linked to heart failure

The link between NSAID usage (except aspirin) and heart attacks is not new, but I decided to…

Posted in Science

Aspirin may treat pancreatitis…and other fibrotic conditions

While most of medicine’s attention is focused on acute pancreatitis (AP) since AP is often deadly, rates…

Posted in Science

Higher PUFA intake correlated with mental disease

An epidemiological study, yet still useful IMO since the correlation was maintained across the various levels of…

Posted in Science

DHT / Progesterone / aspirin treat, cortisol ineffective, PUFA promotes prostate cancer

A great study, albeit in-vitro, that once again throws into doubt the entire hypothesis behind prostate cancer….